I was getting a haircut at my barbers, when I came across a miracle story in a September 2008 issue of Men's Journal. The story was written by Thayer Walker, and it was about a man by the name of Timmy Turner that was a surfer and movie director. The article focuses on how Turner followed his dream of surfing and making movies on surfing, and how it almost killed him. While surfin in Indonesia, Turner developed a serious staph infection in his skull that eroded almost a quarter of the bone. He underwent six major surgeries and lost 75% of his original skull, but was replaced with artificial bone that was stitched onto his real skull. Basically this man went from being into a coma, to doctors saying he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life, to recovering 100% in 6 months, and back surfing in the Arctic ocean with his buddies. Read the full story
here if your looking for some inspiration.

[::Mr. Sroya's song of the day: Simone - Charles Hamilton::]